Sunday, June 22, 2008

James Clarence Mangan Pedestal


David T. Macknet said...

Any idea who she is, or why she's now a head in a wall?

Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

I walked through the Green for nearly half a century without ever noticing this statue. Just goes to show what photography does to expand one's view of the World.

I'll look the piece up.
Here is a link to the main part of the sculpture:

Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

The end of that link should be:


David T. Macknet said...

Thanks! It's funny, the things we notice only when we're looking to take pictures. I find that, having carried the camera around now for months, I look at most things differently. I'm always looking to see something, so that I can capture it. It's a different outlook, really.